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The Probe and Excavator is a double-ended tool with a sharp probe and a blunt hook end. One end can then be utilized to probe the abscess sinus tract, and the hook end can be included to scrape hyperkeratotic material from the nail groove. It is crafted of premium German stainless steel. GerMedUSA has obtained all the equipment required to perform various surgeries. Our instruments are made from high-grade material to increase durability and longevity. We have created this exclusive instrument with the help of professionals. Our advancement in medical devices has allowed a much more comprehensive diagnosis. We have worked hard to make general surgery instruments and other tools for various medical conditions to be developed.
Probe and Excavator is a double-ended instrument with a sharp probe and a blunt hook end. This uniqu ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).