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A surgical needle is a small, sterile, stainless steel implement used during and after surgery to sew stitches into various types of tissue. The role of the surgical needle is to place the suture material exactly at the wounds edge to appose the tissue edges and carry the material through the tissue. Surgeons select a surgical needle based on the procedure being performed, the tissue being sutured, and the size of the suture material.
Among the properties of surgical needles are needle shape, type of edge, strength, ductility, and sharpness of point. The needle must be sufficiently strong and sharp to pass through the tissue, resisting changing shape or breaking after repeated passes, and maintain sharpness, thereby allowing the surgeon to maintain control of the needle and use as little force as necessary to penetrate the tissue.
Regular Surgeon's with Taper Point
Double curved Heavy Pattern
Regular Surgeon’s with Spring Eye
Half Curved Heavy Pattern
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).