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Showing 1 to 8 of total 8 results
Tonsil Knives are used for the dissection of tonsils while keeping the maximal mucus membrane safe. The nonskid ergonomic handle provides optimal control over the instrument.
Here are some of the types:
• Dean Tonsil Knife
• Fisher Tonsil Knife
• Canfield Tonsil Knife
• Atkins Tonsil Knife
• Abraham Tonsil Knife
These tonsil knives are autoclavable and can withstand environmental pressure. They can be reused after proper cleaning and sterilization.
Dean Tonsil Knife is widely used in tonsillectomy procedures. It is used to incise the tonsil capsul ...
Lothrop Tonsil Knife is also known as “Knife & Dissector.” It is designed to be used in tonsille ...
Fisher Tonsil Knife is widely used to excise or cut the tonsil tissues from the bed during tonsillec ...
Canfield Tonsil Knife is an incredible surgical instrument and is widely used to excise or cut the t ...
Abraham Tonsil Knife is widely used to excise or cut the tonsil tissues from the bed during tonsille ...
Atkins Tonsil Knife is widely used to excise or cut the tonsil tissues from the bed during tonsillec ...
Tyding Tonsil Knife is widely used to excise or cut the tonsil tissues from the bed during tonsillec ...
Douglas Tonsil Knife is designed to excise the tonsil tissues from the bed during tonsillectomy proc ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).