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Showing 1 to 5 of total 5 results
The Screwdriver is used for securing screws in plates when the broken bone is needed to get repaired. It helps attach implants to bones.
These instruments have the following variations:
• Screwdriver Hexagonal Phenolic Handle
• Screwdriver Bit
• Cruciform Screwdriver
• Screwdriver 20mm
GerMedUSA manufactures an extensive range of Screwdrivers for the ease of the practitioners. They are ideal to be a part of your orthopedic kit.
Screwdriver hexagonal phenolic handle is commonly used to add screws in the required depth of any su ...
Cruciform screwdriver is made for securing the screws in plates while performing orthopedic surgerie ...
The screwdriver bit is assembled to assist in several surgical procedures that need bone repairing a ...
Screwdriver phenolic handle is made to add to screw in the required depth in the surgical procedures ...
Screwdriver 20mm is used for securing screws in plates in several orthopedic and neurosurgical proce ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).