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Showing 1 to 8 of total 8 results
Eye Fixation Forceps are used to grasp, retract or hold tissues or globe in place. They are specially designed to handle conjunctiva and episcleral tissues.
Here are some of the types:
• Von Graefe Fixation Forceps
• Green Fixation Forceps
• Elschniq Fixation Forceps
• Lester Fixation Forceps
These fixation forceps come with the serrated thumb handle that provides optimal grip over the instrument.
Von Graefe Fixation Forceps are ideal for ophthalmic procedures that require a broad view of the eye ...
Elschnig Fixation Forceps are ideal surgical tools to hold tissues in place during ophthalmologic pr ...
Green Fixation Forceps are ideal for grabbing and retracting tissues within the eye. The instrument ...
Kuhnt Fixation Forceps are excellent surgical instruments used for various eye surgical procedures. ...
Lester Fixation Forceps are widely used to grasp eye tissues during ophthalmological procedures. The ...
Guist Fixation Forceps are widely used instruments in ophthalmological procedures. The forceps have ...
Culler Fixation Forceps are useful tools to prepare a tract of insertion for corneal surfaces. Our f ...
Lowa State Fixation Forceps are incredible eye instruments. Ophthalmological surgeons ideally use th ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).