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Showing 1 to 6 of total 6 results
Eye Corneal Scissors are used in ophthalmic surgeries where high precision is needed. These scissors come with fine tips that provide an atraumatic dissection of the corneal tissue.
Here are some of the types:
• Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
• Mcguire Corneal Scissors
• Aebli Corneal Scissors
• Troutman Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
These scissors are available with blunt angled, straight, and curved tips.
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors are used in ophthalmological and corneal transplant procedures. These s ...
Mcguire Corneal Scissors are made to assist in several corneal surgeries and consist of German stain ...
Aebli Corneal Scissors are highly versatile to assist in several ophthalmologic procedures. In addit ...
Troutman Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors have a locking blade to make it stationary. These scis ...
Castroviejo Corneal Curved Scissors are made to assist in ophthalmological procedures as well as dur ...
The Castroviejo Olsen Needle Holder Serrated 14cm Straight with Scissors Combination is a special su ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).