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Showing 1 to 7 of total 7 results
Eye Lachrymal Dilator helps in releasing duct blockage and restoring tear drainage by dilating the lachrymal passage. It features blunt, pointed tips that prevent any kind of injury to the surrounding tissue.
Here are some of the types:
• Bowman Lacrimal Probe
• Wilder Lacrimal Dilator
• Muldoon Lacrimal Dilator
• Eye Magnet Foreign Body Loop
It comes with a long ergonomic handle for superior handling.
Bowman Lacrimal Probe is used for restoring normal tear flow to the lacrimal drainage system and cle ...
Eye Magnet Foreign Body Loop is an ideal surgical instrument for the removal of the eye's foreign pa ...
Miniature Blade Breakers are remarkable instruments used for multiple surgical procedures. Surgeons ...
Holth Corneoscleral Punches are incredible eye instruments widely used for ophthalmological procedur ...
The Wilder Lacrimal Dilator 4 1/4" Long Taper is an ophthalmic instrument designed for releasing duc ...
Castroviejo Blade Breaker and Holder is used for the safe handling and disposal of surgical blades. ...
The Muldoon Lacrimal Dilator-Probe is useful for a range of ophthalmic surgical procedures. The dist ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).