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Volkman Retractor is a surgical instrument used in small bone and joint procedures. It retracts the surrounding tissue to expose the surgical site.
Here are some of the features:
• Blunt or Sharp Tip
• Multiple sizes
• Hollow Handle
• 1 to 6 Prongs
• Lightweight
• Reusable
• Autoclavable
This tool is manufactured with surgical-grade German forged stainless material that increases its strength and makes it resistant to rust and corrosion.
Volkman retractor is a handheld surgery instrument used in small bone and joint procedures. It is Ge ...
Volkman retractor 8 ¾" is a widely used handheld surgery instrument that comes in several variation ...
Volkman retractor is a commonly used handheld surgery tool for assisting in small bone surgical proc ...
Volkman retractor hollow handle is commonly used in small bone and joint procedures. It comes in sev ...
Volkman retractor 9" is commonly used in small bone and joint procedures. It is crafted with German ...
Volkman Hook Retractor Sharp Tip is a handheld retractor used in small bone and joint surgical proce ...
Volkman Hook Retractor Blunt Tip is used in small bone and joint surgical procedures. This instrumen ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).