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Eye Retractors are used for the purpose of tissue retraction in ophthalmic surgeries. They retain eyelids, sac, iris, and other eye structures.
Here are some of the types:
• Desmarres Lid Retractors
• Lacrimal Sac Retractor
• Mcgannon Iris Retractor
These are handheld tools with fenestrated hook tips to hold delicate tissues in small surgical areas. They are manufactured with 100% German medical-grade stainless steel.
In order to keep patients' eyelashes and eyelids away from the injection site during intravitreal in ...
In oculoplastic surgeries, a lacrimal sac retractor is used. In cases of illness or obstruction, it ...
The Mcgannon Iris retractor is a 5 ΒΌ inches long handheld tool. It helps eye specialists hold back ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).