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The Hibbs Osteotome is used for scraping and chiseling through bones during orthopedic & neurosurgical procedures.
These surgical osteotomes are available in the following patterns:
• Straight Pattern
• Curved Pattern
The feature of a thick or palm-fit handle facilitates easy gripping and widens further into a chisel-type thin blade.
Hibbs Osteotome Straight is used in neurosurgical procedures in scraping the bones. This instrument ...
Hibbs Osteotomes Curved 9" is made for scraping or chiseling bones in orthopedic surgical procedures ...
Hibbs Osteotome Straight is made for orthopedic surgeries and neurosurgeries that need scraping and ...
Hibbs Osteotome Curved is built explicitly in orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures for chiseling ...
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).