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Ingrown Nail Shaver is used to treating ingrown nails. The instrument is crafted from high-quality German surgical stainless steel, so it is reusable after sterilization. It comes in multiple variations so that you can pick the best one of your choice.
German Forged
5 Years Warranty
The below instruments manufactured by GerMedUSA have limited warranties:
• Tungsten carbide Scissors > 5 years
• Tungsten Carbide Needle holders > 1 year
• Diamond Dust instruments > 1 year
• Titanium instruments > 3 years
• Silver or Chrome plated instruments > 1 year
• Super-cut scissors > 1 year
Ingrown Nail Shavers an excellent instrument used for the treatment of ingrown nails. It features a fenestrated blade and an inside cutting edge that can be used to file the nail thickness. Overall instrument length is 5”. It is also manufactured in a wide range of sizes, styles, and patterns to accommodate podiatrists in podiatry practices. The instrument is crafted from high-quality German surgical stainless material. Hence, it is reusable after sterilization.
GerMedUSA offers an excellent range of nail instruments with unique variations. You can choose the best instrument of your choice from below mentioned catalog. These versatile instruments are perfect for any type of nail practice.
Material: | Stainless Steel |
2417 Jericho Turnpike, #333, Garden City Park, NY 11040 (USA).